Lavery, Ian

Ian Lavery was first elected as the Labour MP for Wansbeck in 2010, being reelected in 2019 with a reduced majority of 814.

The constituency of Wansbeck is a compact constituency in Northumberland to the north of Newcastle.  It contains the historic town of Morpeth with its castle, the former mining communities at Ashington, and Bedlington, and the seaside town of Newbiggin.  The famous England football brothers, Bobbie and Jack Charlton grew up in this constituency. It has been held by the Labour Party ever since the Second World War, but in 2019 the Labour Party’s vote dropped by 15%, and the party very nearly lost this part of its former Red Wall.   In the 2016, the local electorate backed Brexit, albeit quite narrowly, with 56% supporting Leave.

Lavery served as Chairman of the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn between 2017 and 2020.

Lavery is considered to be strongly on the left of the Labour Party.   He nominated Rebecca Long-Bailey in the 2020 Labour leadership election.

Born in 1963, Lavery worked in the construction industry, before starting work at Lynemouth colliery.  He later moved to Ellington Colliery where he was given a National Coal Board apprenticeship.

Lavery then worked his way up through the National Union of Mineworkers.  He was first elected onto the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) committee at Ellington Colliery as Compensation Secretary. Later, he was voted on to the Northumberland Executive Committee, and then on to the North East Area Executive Committee.

Lavery eventually became the General Secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers (Northumberland Area), and President of the Union between 2002 and 2010 succeeding Arthur Scargill.

Lavery is Trustee of the Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation in the North East of England, and of the Woodhorn Colliery Museum.  Lavery also once served on Wansbeck District Council.

Lavery is married with two children, and he employs his wife as a Senior Secretary.  He likes cricket, and boxing.  He is also a supporter of Newcastle FC and has previously commented on how much he dislikes the club’s owner, Mike Ashley.

Lavery enjoys greyhound racing and has owned a number of prize winning racing dogs.

Ian Lavery is Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Greyhounds.


Personal Website:

Twitter: @IanLaveryMP

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