McCartney, Karl

Karl McCartney was first elected as the Conservative MP for Lincoln in 2010 being reelected in 2019 with a majority of 3,514.

The constituency of Lincoln is a compact constituency based around the cathedral city and county town of Lincoln itself.  The University of Lincoln and Bishop Grosseteste University are both found within this seat. Lincoln first first sent Members to Parliament in 1265, making it the oldest Constituency in continuous existence in the United Kingdom.

Lincoln is on the of the UKs longest standing marginal seats between Labour and the Conservatives.  Having been held by Labour between 1997 and 2010, it was gained by the Conservatives between 2010 and 2017, only to be lost by the party again in 2017.  It was won back again by the Conservatives in 2019.  It was once represented at Westminster by the veteran Labour MP, Margaret Beckett.

Born in 1968, McCartney was educated at the University of Wales and Kingston Business School.  He worked in communications and public relations before becoming an MP.  He is also a former magistrate.

Considered to be positioned on the right of the Conservative Party, McCartney voted for Brexit in the 2016 EU referendum.

Karl McCartney is Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Slovenia; Esports; Motorsport; Rowing; and Snooker. He is Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Football Club.  He is Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Darts; Golf; the Midlands Engine; and Waterways.

McCartney has two children.  For a number of years he has been a mini-rugby coach on Sunday mornings at Lincoln Rugby Club.  He also enjoys snowboarding.


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