Robertson, Laurence

Laurence Robertson was first elected as the Conservative MP for Tewkesbury in 1997, being reelected in 2019 with a majority of 22,410.

The constituency of Tewkesbury is located in the north of Gloucestershire.  The town of Tewkesbury famous for its abbey is the largest settlement within this seat, which also includes the Cotswold market town of Winchcombe, villages such as Ashchurch, Prestbury and Twyning, and the Longlevens suburb of Gloucester.  This is a long standing and safe Conservative seat.

Robertson was Chair of the Northern Ireland Select Committee between 2010 and 2015.  He was previously an Opposition Spokesman on Northern Ireland.

Born in 1958, Robertson grew up into a staunchly Labour family in Bolton, where his father was an electrician at the local colliery. His father died of coronavirus in 2020.

Having left school at eighteen, Robertson worked for a transport company, before moving on to BICC cables.   At the Company he was the only one of six hundred workers who refused to join a trade union, something that led to the union itself threatening to go on strike, unless he joined.  He later worked in public relations, event management, and charity fund raising before becoming an MP.

Situated on the right of the Conservative Party, Robertson was a supporter of Brexit in the 2016 EU referendum. He submitted a letter of no confidence in Theresa May during her time as Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister.

Robertson is also a Christian, and has in the past campaigned for tougher restrictions around abortion. Robertson is married and employs his wife as his Office Manager.

Laurence Robertson works as a Parliamentary Adviser on Sport and Safer Gambling to the Betting and Gaming Council.  He is Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Betting and Gaming.

Laurence Robertson is Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Engineering; Racing and Bloodstock; the Union; and Ethopia and Djibouti.  He is Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Flood Prevention; Horses; Golf; Pubs; the Western Gateway; Angola; Nigeria; and Aerospace.

Robertson likes horse racing, and golf, and is said to play off a handicap of sixteen.


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