Cooper, Rosie

Rosie Cooper was first elected as the Labour Party MP for West Lancashire in 2005, being reelected in 2019 with a majority of 8,336.

The seat of West Lancashire is found in the very bottom left hand corner of Lancashire and covers the towns of Skelmersdale, Burscough and Ormskirk.  The seat contains a number of Manchester and Liverpool commuters, alongside the more traditionally working class town of Ormskirk.   The University of Edge Hill is found in this constituency.  This area was narrowly held by the Conservatives in the 1980s but in recent years has lent far more heavily to Labour, having been held by the party consistently since 1992.

Born in 1950, Rosie Cooper grew up as the child of parents who were both deaf. Cooper is a former Director of the Merseyside Centre for Deaf People.

Cooper attended Liverpool University and worked for Littlewoods for two decades before becoming an MP.  She started as a management trainee, to later become the Company’s PR Manager and then Group Corporate Communications Manager.

Cooper served on Liverpool City Councillor for 28 years, initially as a Liberal Democrat before defecting to Labour in 1999. She was Lord Mayor of Liverpool in 1992-93.

Cooper supported Lisa Nandy in the 2020 Labour leadership election.

Rosie Cooper is Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Bladder and Bowel Continence Care. She is Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Rural Business; West Coast Mainline; Belgium; Luxembourg; Bermuda; the Maldives; Philippines; Deafness; Fair Fuel for UK Motorists and Hauliers; Funerals and Bereavement; Furniture Industry Group; Future of Aviation; Lancashire; and Media.


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