airport expansion

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MDU scrutinising revised guidance for doctors on good medical practice

Responding to today’s announcement that the GMC is seeking views on a revised version of Good medical practice, the Medical Defence Union (MDU) said that it will be scrutinising the significant changes being proposed. The MDU, the UK’s leading medical defence organisation, explained that regulations must be compatible with the realities of doctors’ working lives and… Read more »

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BASC expels member for wildlife crime and firearms offences

BASC, the UK’s largest shooting and conservation organisation, has expelled for life a member convicted of wildlife crime and firearms offences. Expulsion from BASC involves the loss of shooting insurance, on which the ability to shoot may depend, and other benefits of membership. The member from Nottinghamshire pleaded guilty to unlawfully trapping and beating to… Read more »

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No third runway at Heathrow
BAA abandons third runway bid

By Alex Stevenson Airports operator BAA has abandoned its attempt to secure expansion through the construction of new runways at Heathrow and Stansted. It withdrew its planning application after it became clear the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government was determined to block further expansion. Last Thursday’s full coalition document made clear the government would “cancel” the… Read more »

Today marks the first stage of the legal challenge against the government's policy
Heathrow runway opponents start legal fight

By staff Opponents of a new runway at Heathrow will start the next stage of their fight against the policy today with a high court legal battle. A range of environmental groups, celebrities, London councils and local residents will be present at the start of the judicial review. Their lawyers will argue that the… Read more »