Armed Forces

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Government to take firmer stance on religious ‘conversion therapy’

Mike Freer, the Minister for Equalities, has confirmed that the Government’s proposed ban on so-called ‘conversion therapy’ will cover both practices that take place in religious settings and those that are carried out by ministers of religion. LGBT Humanists has previously called on the Government to close loopholes in its proposals on religious conversion therapy. Today it has welcomed… Read more »

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Home Office deflates restrictive firearms bill

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) is fully supportive of the Home Office’s response to a private member’s bill wishing to restrict the use of firearms. Luke Pollard, MP for Plymouth, Sutton and Devonport, is introducing a bill that aims to ban the keeping of pump-action shotguns in homes. The bill wishes to tackle the horrific… Read more »

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Twigg defends state of MoD housing
MoD told to prioritise military housing

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has been told to get its priorities straight after it resurfaced tennis courts while many troops were living in substandard accommodation. A report by the Public Accounts Commmittee (PAC) found the MoD spent nearly £2 million on building all-weather sports pitches and resurfacing tennis courts at the same time as… Read more »

Cross-Whitehall review ordered on military services
Government moves to fix ‘broken’ military covenant

The government has promised to provide better support for service personnel, their families and veterans, after being roundly criticised for failing in its duty of care towards the armed forces. Armed forces minister Bob Ainsworth announced yesterday service personnel will be the first beneficiaries of a cross-government command paper, designed to coordinate efforts across Whitehall… Read more »