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House of Lords votes for at-home abortion provision

During last night’s late night sitting in the House of Lords, running beyond 2am, peers voted to allow women to continue to access abortion services at home. Prior to Covid, women were required to attend a clinic in person to access abortion pills. But since then, they have been able to receive the pills by post. The… Read more »

BASC launches second newspaper campaign
BASC commits to hen harrier recovery plan

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has committed to contributing £75,000 towards Natural England’s hen harrier recovery work over the next three years, via its Legacy Fund. Three annual payments of £25,000 will aid Natural England’s objectives of winter roost monitoring, support and education around diversionary feeding, and the southern reintroduction of the species. The three-year agreement follows… Read more »

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Student visas to be reviewed, Green announces
Scrap BBC licence fee, says report

By Rebecca Burns The BBC’s licence fee should be scrapped and replaced by a voluntary subscription service, according to a report released by a leading think tank. David Graham, a former producer at the BBC and author of the report for the Adam Smith Institute, says the current broadcast model is “exhausted” and the BBC… Read more »

BBC faces pay pressure from the government
Hunt: BBC must be ‘on same planet’

By staff Culture secretary Jeremy Hunt has suggested the BBC needs to go further on top executives’ and stars’ pay packages. Recent moves to publish details of the latter without confirming the precise salaries of the corporation’s top talent would have to go further when it comes to next year’s negotiations for the licence… Read more »