* city academies

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Calderdale birdsong featured in new therapeutic recordings

The songs of moorland bird species have been recorded in the Calderdale area as part of a new campaign to provide their unique sounds to local care homes. The Moorland Chorus recording will be used as a therapeutic tool for those no longer able to easily access the uplands. Organised by the British Association for Shooting and… Read more »

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Deliver achievable clinical negligence reform without delay, says MDU

The House of Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee has published the report of its inquiry into NHS litigation reform. The Medical Defence Union (MDU) engaged closely with this inquiry, submitting written evidence. The MDU welcomes the publication of today’s report but cautioned against too much focus on fundamental and complex structural change, at… Read more »

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Cameron calls for parents to run schools
Cameron tries to claim co-op movement for Tories

David Cameron has encouraged parents to set up their own schools, claiming this would raise standards. The Conservative leader argues it should be easier for groups of parents to form co-operatives to found their own schools. Mr Cameron said co-ops made up of parents or local residents should be able to demand allocated funding from… Read more »

Denham announces uni-school partnership push
Universities to partner schools in participation drive

The government today encouraged more universities to work with schools in a bid to widen participation in higher education. A number of universities have already sponsored academies or agreed to partner new trust schools but universities secretary John Denham today launched a new drive to increase participation. Speaking at University College London, Mr Denham said… Read more »