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Jersey Assembly votes for humane right to die law

Jersey’s States Assembly today approved a proposal to change the law on assisted dying for adult islanders with terminal or incurable conditions, who have a clear and settled wish to end their lives. Channel Islands Humanists, part of Humanists UK, which campaigns for a right to die for those with terminal or incurable illnesses, praised the debate… Read more »

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Mr Davis is in uncharted territory
Davis pitches for Labour vote

Davis pitches for Labour vote David Davis has made an open bid for Labour voters in his unique by-election campaign over civil liberties. Making his pitch in a video interview on Labour members’ website Labourhome, Mr Davis assured a vote for him – while still a vote for the Conservative party – would not be… Read more »

Radical Islamic preacher dubbed Osama Bin Laden's right-hand man in Europe to be bailed within 24 hours
Radical preacher Qatada ‘to be bailed in 24 hours’

Abu Qatada, the radical Islamic preacher convicted of terrorist offences in Jordan, is to be released on bail in the UK within the next 24 hours. The special immigration appeals commission has imposed a strict 22-hour curfew upon Abu Qatada, who has been described as Osama Bin Laden’s right-hand man in Europe. A spokeswoman told… Read more »