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BASC outlines key demands in licensing fees review

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) will not accept “rewarding failure” in the upcoming review of firearms licensing fees in England, Scotland and Wales. The review has been launched by the Home Office. A Fees Working Group, which includes representatives from BASC and the British Shooting Sports Council, has been set up. Its… Read more »

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Gareth Compton was arrested and bailed today
Tory councillor arrested over ‘stoning’ comments

By Ian Dunt A Conservative councillor for Birmingham City has been suspended from the party and arrested after he called for the stoning to death of a newspaper columnist. Gareth Compton made the remarks about female Muslim Independent commentator Yasmin Alibhai-Brown on Twitter. “Can someone please stone Yasmin Alibhai-Brown to death? I shan’t tell Amnesty… Read more »

Lady Thatcher has reportedly recovered well from a bout of flu
Thatcher set to leave hospital

By staff Margaret Thatcher will leave hospital today, two weeks after being admitted with flu symptoms. The former prime minister fell ill shortly before her 85th birthday, so that she was unable to attend a party organised in her honour at No 10. She was later admitted to hospital on October 19th, though her… Read more »