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Jersey Assembly votes for humane right to die law

Jersey’s States Assembly today approved a proposal to change the law on assisted dying for adult islanders with terminal or incurable conditions, who have a clear and settled wish to end their lives. Channel Islands Humanists, part of Humanists UK, which campaigns for a right to die for those with terminal or incurable illnesses, praised the debate… Read more »

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A planning issue appears to be at the centre of the dispute
Tory councillor suspended over planning dispute

By staff A Tory councillor has been suspended for six months for bringing his office into disrepute. Bill Sharp, a councillor in Castle Point borough council, allegedly failed to tell council officials of his friendship with multi-millionaire Gordon Sanders, and Susan King, director of construction company Pemican. A former member of the planning committee,… Read more »

Eric Pickles told he's a nice man - but a dictator nonetheless
Pickles branded ‘dictator’ after deselection failure

By Alex Stevenson Conservative party chairman Eric Pickles was accused of being a “dictator” after PPC Elizabeth Truss saw off a bid to deselect her last night. The South West Norfolk Conservative Association voted by 132 votes to 37 in favour of retaining her as their candidate at the coming general election, amid claims from… Read more »