conservative party

BFAWU to recall Conference

Today the Labour Party has made a clear statement of intent in its aspiration to repair its relationship with the bosses but seems to be determined to widen the divide between the representatives of labour and those our movement represent. The recent decision to proscribe organisations is seen as a divisive and a purely factional… Read more »

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Double royal recognition for MDU’s employee training programmes

The excellence of the Medical Defence Union’s training for its membership and medico-legal team has been recognised by HRH the Princess Royal. City and Guilds group has awarded the Medical Defence Union (MDU) with two Princess Royal Training awards. The awards were made for the MDU’s membership development and medico-legal assistant training programmes. The not for profit,… Read more »

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Mr Johnson stood down from his constituency seat this morning
Boris formally stands down

Boris Johnson has formally announced he is standing down as MP of Henley, triggering a by-election in the staunchly Conservative constituency. The result is not a surprise to anyone in Westminster. David Cameron has already revealed his candidate for the area – local man John Howell. Mr Johnson gave up his constituency work due to… Read more »

The seat is up for grabs following Brois' election to mayor
Tories rush Henley by-election

The Tories are rushing through the Henley by-election in an effort to build on their success in Crewe and Nantwich. The seat became available when Boris Johnson gave it up due to his new role as mayor of London. Henley is a safe Conservative seat with a majority of 12,793. It is highly sought after… Read more »