Constitutional Reform

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BASC outlines key demands in licensing fees review

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) will not accept “rewarding failure” in the upcoming review of firearms licensing fees in England, Scotland and Wales. The review has been launched by the Home Office. A Fees Working Group, which includes representatives from BASC and the British Shooting Sports Council, has been set up. Its… Read more »

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Ed Miliband to take on Labour's 'big beasts'
Miliband defies Labour grandees to support AV

By Peter Wozniak Ed Miliband has thrown his weight, along with at least eight members of his shadow Cabinet, to support a change in the voting system next May. The Labour leader is a known supporter of the Alternative Vote (AV) system, having written the 2010 Labour manifesto promising a change to AV and announcing… Read more »