Constitutional Reform

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Rural mental health inquiry must account for gamekeepers and shooting, says BASC

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has raised the importance of recognising the challenges faced by gamekeepers and the physical and mental health benefits of shooting within the Environment Food Rural Affairs (EFRA) committee’s mental health inquiry. The wide-ranging inquiry launched in November 2021 will set out recommendations about how the government can… Read more »

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Standing united? The public don't think Clegg and Cameron can make it five years
Polls shows low public confidence in coalition

By staff A new poll suggests most members of the public do not believe the coalition will survive its five-year parliamentary term. The poll, conducted by Harris for the Metro newspaper, reveals that 52% of people think the Lib-Con pact is unlikely to last the full five years. Younger voters are the most sceptical,… Read more »

Expenses watchdog Ipsa's warm welcome for new MPs in parliament
Expenses pressure too much for watchdog

By staff The head of operations at parliament’s expenses watchdog has quit “for the sake of my health and my sanity”. Nigel Gooding, director of operations at the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, told the Mail on Sunday newspaper he did not want to continue in the role he had been appointed to on an… Read more »