Constitutional Reform

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MDU scrutinising revised guidance for doctors on good medical practice

Responding to today’s announcement that the GMC is seeking views on a revised version of Good medical practice, the Medical Defence Union (MDU) said that it will be scrutinising the significant changes being proposed. The MDU, the UK’s leading medical defence organisation, explained that regulations must be compatible with the realities of doctors’ working lives and… Read more »

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BASC expels member for wildlife crime and firearms offences

BASC, the UK’s largest shooting and conservation organisation, has expelled for life a member convicted of wildlife crime and firearms offences. Expulsion from BASC involves the loss of shooting insurance, on which the ability to shoot may depend, and other benefits of membership. The member from Nottinghamshire pleaded guilty to unlawfully trapping and beating to… Read more »

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The answer to Cameron's Leveson headache might lie deep in Britain's constitution
Press regulation: Could royal charters be the answer?

As the clock continues to tick on Lord Justice Leveson’s proposals, Downing Street continues to look for answers – and a royal charter might just be the get-out-of-jail-free option the prime minister is looking for.