Constitutional Reform

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Jersey Assembly votes for humane right to die law

Jersey’s States Assembly today approved a proposal to change the law on assisted dying for adult islanders with terminal or incurable conditions, who have a clear and settled wish to end their lives. Channel Islands Humanists, part of Humanists UK, which campaigns for a right to die for those with terminal or incurable illnesses, praised the debate… Read more »

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Clegg and Cameron reveal their programme for government today
Lib-Con policy: The full picture

By staff The coalition’s full programme for government has been published, with concessions on matters such as the Human Rights Act and fox hunting finally becoming clear. An early document was published last week just before David Cameron and Nick Clegg’s Rose Garden press conference, but today’s document clarifies policy on a whole slate… Read more »

Under coalition plans parliament will be handed dissolution powers - but a 55% majority will be required
Clegg rejects ‘unconstitutional’ dissolution barbs

By Alex Stevenson Deputy prime minister Nick Clegg has dismissed claims that proposals to hand parliament the power to dissolve parliament are unconstitutional. Under the coalition government’s fixed-term parliament plans the only way the next general election will be held before May 7th 2015 will be if 55% of MPs support a dissolution vote. Critics… Read more »