Constitutional Reform

BFAWU to recall Conference

Today the Labour Party has made a clear statement of intent in its aspiration to repair its relationship with the bosses but seems to be determined to widen the divide between the representatives of labour and those our movement represent. The recent decision to proscribe organisations is seen as a divisive and a purely factional… Read more »

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Double royal recognition for MDU’s employee training programmes

The excellence of the Medical Defence Union’s training for its membership and medico-legal team has been recognised by HRH the Princess Royal. City and Guilds group has awarded the Medical Defence Union (MDU) with two Princess Royal Training awards. The awards were made for the MDU’s membership development and medico-legal assistant training programmes. The not for profit,… Read more »

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Sir Tim Berners Lee to open up govt data
Web inventor charts new course for govt data

Web inventor charts new course for govt data By Alice Cannet Sir Tim Berners Lee has said his new job of opening up government data was ‘beyond politics and beyond global borders’ today. The world-wide-web creator was asked by Gordon Brown to help make government data more accessible online. “I think there’s a public demand… Read more »

Shahid Malik, communities minister
Parliament watchdog considers Malik inquiry

By staff The parliamentary commissioner for standards is considering whether to launch a complaint over communities minister Shahid Malik. John Lyon received the complaint from the Sunlight Centre for Open Politics, a transparency campaign, after a Telegraph report centred on his claim for two separate office spaces. The controversy has raised questions about Gordon… Read more »