Constitutional Reform

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MDU and CORESS partner to promote safety in surgical practice

The Medical Defence Union (MDU), the UK’s leading medical defence organisation, has launched a new partnership with the Confidential Reporting System for Surgery (CORESS) an independent charity which promotes safety in surgical practice in the NHS and the private sector. Founded in 2005, CORESS receives confidential incident reports from surgeons and theatre staff. These confidential… Read more »

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Two thousand schoolchildren ‘learn moor’

More than 2,000 schoolchildren were treated to an upland educational experience during this year’s Let’s Learn Moor events. Talks and interactive presentations were provided by those who live and work in the uplands including gamekeepers, farmers, conservationists, local organisations and the emergency services. Now in its fifth year the project continues to offer local schools… Read more »

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Two Lords face suspension over cash-for-amendments
Two Lords face suspension over cash-for-amendments

By staff Two members of the House of Lords are facing suspension for six months over the cash-for-amendments scandal, after the parliamentary sleaze committee found them guilty of misconduct. Lord Taylor of Blackburn and Lord Truscott – both Labour peers – will discover their fate next week. The committee has already recommended they be… Read more »

A figurine looks over Westminster Hall. Parliament is a frenzy of activity and rumour today as the expenses scandal continues. This file is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 License
Expenses: The first heads roll

By staff The furore over MPs expenses stepped up a gear today, with a Tory resignation and the suspension of a former Labour minister. Elliot Morley, former environment minister, was suspended from the party this afternoon after claiming £16,000 in mortgage interest despite paying off the loan 18 months earlier. Former Labour minister suspended… Read more »