Constitutional Reform

Answer NRW’s call for evidence on wild bird licensing says BASC
Improvements to livestock worrying legislation welcome news for gamekeepers, says BASC

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has welcomed the announcement that enclosed gamebirds are to be included within enhanced livestock worrying legislation in England and Wales. Listing enclosed gamebirds and increasing police powers for dealing with incidents of livestock worrying are just two parts of a wider Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill introduced… Read more »

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Police CS spray journalists in Westminster
Police CS spray journalists in Westminster

By staff Police have used CS spray on a journalist fighting in the Palace of Westminster. The fight broke out between two journalists at a Commons party held by Conservative chairman Eric Pickles last night. A police stopped the two men in a corridor and CS sprayed one of them, leading some guests to… Read more »

MPs receive pay rise
MPs receive pay rise

By staff MPs will receive a 2.33 per cent pay rise from April 1st, bringing their parliamentary pay up from £63,291 to £64,766. Ministers, however, would have their ministerial pay frozen. Matthew Elliott, chief executive at the TaxPayers’ Alliance said: “Too many MPs are still living high on the hog, despite growing public concern… Read more »