Constitutional Reform

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Curriculum Bill passes stage one in Senedd

A Bill that will make religious education in Wales fully inclusive of humanism has passed the first stage before becoming law. Wales Humanists – which has long campaigned for this change – has strongly welcomed the news, saying the Bill will make Wales ‘a world-leader in inclusive education’. Following a debate, Senedd members today voted… Read more »

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Austria’s top court decriminalises assisted dying

Helping ‘seriously ill’ people to end their lives will no longer be a criminal offence in Austria, following a judgment from the country’s top court. Humanists UK, which campaigns for legal assisted dying across the UK, has welcomed the move as a victory for reason, compassion, and empathy. News of the decision comes just weeks after… Read more »

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Has sleaze returned to Westminster
The return of sleaze?

By Ian Dunt Westminster insiders are frantically trying to limit the damage of the cash-for-amendments controversy while, also in parliament, another MP is ruled to have breached parliamentary standards. To see a timeline of British sleaze since John Major click here. To read a comment piece on how to clean up the lobbying industry click… Read more »

David Cameron - promised to change law if he comes to power
‘Cash for amendments’ peers may face expulsion

By Blaine Williams Lady Royall has hinted that the four peers embroiled in the ‘cash for amendments’ scandal could face suspension or even expulsion. In an article for The Guardian the leader of the House of Lords, Lady Royall, said she may introduce emergency sanctions against those involved if they are found to be guilty…. Read more »