Crime Levels

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Firearms licensing delays at untenable level, warns UK’s largest shooting organisation

Delays to firearms licensing are set to reach record highs causing significant complications for certificate holders according to the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). Covid restrictions, regulatory medical involvement and a peak in firearms licensing renewals has caused mass disruption across licensing departments in England and Wales. In… Read more »

BASC’s scholarship programme opens for 2022 applications

Applications for BASC’s legacy funded scholarship programme aimed at supporting further education opportunities in conservation, land management and gamekeeping have opened for the 2022 intake. The scholarship is directed at assisting students wanting to progress their education in the land management sector. Scholarships this year are in memory of Mr Herbert Heywood, who kindly left… Read more »

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Peers are investigating actions against Yassin Abdullah Kadi, an associate of Osama bin Laden
Lords investigate terrorist financing

Lords are gearing up to investigate the European Union’s tactics against terrorist financing and money laundering. The Lords EU committee’s inquiry is set to be undertaken by the sub-committee on home affairs and will look at the role of the EU and its member states in global efforts to prevent the financing of terror. The… Read more »

Vernon Coaker defends watered-down policing and crime bill
Coaker: Police reforms “radical” despite govt backdown

Suggestions the policing and crime bill is toothless following the dropping of plans to make police authorities directly elected have been denied by Home Office minister Vernon Coaker. Speaking at a briefing for journalists before the bill’s publication today, Mr Coaker said police forces faced a “pretty radical” set of reforms even without the directly… Read more »