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Family to challenge law requiring Christian RE and worship in NI schools

The High Court will consider a challenge to the laws requiring faith-based Christian religious education (RE) and collective worship in schools in Northern Ireland today. A non-religious family is mounting the legal challenge arguing the exclusively Christian nature of RE and worship violates their human rights. The case is being supported by Northern Ireland Humanists…. Read more »

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New firearms licence condition welcomed by BASC Northern Ireland

Improvement to firearms licence condition welcomed by BASC Northern Ireland The UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), has welcomed the introduction of a firearms certificate condition that will allow the licence holder to shoot any lawful quarry on land where they have the authority to shoot. The condition known… Read more »

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The proposals are the government's latest attempt to curb internet child sex abuse
Drawings of sex abuse to be made illegal

All images of child sex abuse, including drawings and computer-generated images, are set to be made illegal following a Ministry of Justice consultation on the subject. The proposals include a maximum three year jail term for those found guilty. Child safety groups had been concerned paedophiles could circumvent current anti-abuse legislation by digitally manipulating abuse… Read more »

Knife crime plans may 'cause new antagonism'
Knife crime plans may ’cause new antagonism’

New measures to tackle knife crime could increase hostility among young people, according to the Children’s Commissioner of England. Changes introduced under Section 60 of the Public Order Act give officers increased powers to search people they suspect to be carrying knives and other weapons without reasonable suspicion that the accused is in possession of… Read more »