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Humanists UK comment on peers backing Assisted Dying Bill

Plans to allow doctors to help terminally ill adults end their lives moved closer to becoming law today, after a new Assisted Dying Bill passed its second reading in the House of Lords. Humanists UK, which campaigns to legalise assisted dying for both the terminally ill and incurably suffering, has praised today’s debate for its… Read more »

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Rally planned as Parliament to debate compassionate assisted dying law

On 22 October, for the first time in years, the UK Parliament will debate legislation to legalise assisted dying for the terminally ill. Humanists UK, which campaigns for a right to die for those with terminal or incurable illnesses, fully supports the Assisted Dying Bill as a landmark step towards much-needed reform. It will be… Read more »

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Lord Goldsmith 'not persuaded' by need to extend detention limit
Goldsmith casts doubt on govt terror claim

The former attorney general today told MPs he was “not persuaded” of the need to extend the period terror suspects can be detained without charge beyond its current 28-day limit. The claim marks a significant setback to the government’s attempt to increase the limit, potentially to 56 days. Giving evidence to the Commons’ home affairs… Read more »

Lord West's comments have been criticised by opposition parties
UK ‘world leader’ on security

Britain is better equipped at protecting its public from terrorism than any other country, security minister Lord West has claimed. The Sunday Telegraph quotes Lord West as claiming UK security provided by the security services, boosted measures at airports and railways and anti-radicalisation efforts have turned Britain into a “world leader” of anti-terror expertise. He… Read more »