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BASC welcomes environmental lawyer to the ranks

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) is excited to announce the appointment of law academic Dr Marnie Lovejoy as its new head of environment law research. Marnie has a PhD in law and is the former associate head of Portsmouth Law School. Gamekeeping runs in her family and she is a keen beater… Read more »

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The MDU and Armstrong Watson LLP partner to provide tax, accountancy and business advisory services

The MDU and Armstrong Watson LLP partner to provide tax, accountancy and business advisory services The Medical Defence Union (MDU), the UK’s leading medical defence organisation, has launched a new partnership with accountancy firm Armstrong Watson LLP to provide MDU members with access to tax, accountancy and business advisory services.  As part of the collaboration, MDU members will receive… Read more »

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Lords warn of 'lawless' internet
Govt urged to clean up ‘wild west’ of internet

Peers have warned the government must take action to prevent the internet descending into a lawless “wild west”. The House of Lords science and technology committee said the government is doing too little to improve security on the internet and risks undermining public confidence in the service. At present, ministers say individual users should take… Read more »

Black men 'need better role models'
Young black boys ‘need better role models’

Black communities need to put forward positive role models to counter gang culture, ministers have been told. Government-commissioned research calls for a cultural shift from rappers, sportsmen and celebrities to lawyers, doctors and other professionals. Conducted by Reach and drawing on experts from education and business, the report argues the government and black communities need… Read more »