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New paper into social impact of shooting ‘significant’, says BASC

A new scientific paper into the social, mental and wellbeing attributes of those who participate in game shooting has been highlighted as significant by the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). The new paper, published in the journal Ageing & Society, concludes that participation in shooting and shooting-related activities, such as beating and picking-up, results… Read more »

New national food strategy offers ‘little more than crumbs’

Responding to the publication of England’s National Food Strategy, Sarah Woolley, General Secretary of the Bakers and Allied Food Workers Union (BFAWU) said: “With 10 million people across the UK facing food poverty, this new strategy needed to bring meaningful change and recommend a ‘Right to Food’ law, instead it offers little more than crumbs… Read more »

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John Reid announces new powers to tackle anti-social behaviour
Reid gets tougher on anti-social behaviour

People holding endless rowdy parties or threatening and intimidating their neighbours could be locked out of their homes for three months at a time, John Reid has said. The home secretary said new police powers would tackle those households that were the “bane of the community” – but stressed they would be used as a… Read more »

John Reid and Tony Blair's terrorism rhetoric is under fire
Terror talk ‘exploiting politics of fear’

Tony Blair’s rhetoric on the ‘war on terror’ leaves him open to the charge that he is “exploiting a politics of fear”, a new report has warned. A study for the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust says ministers must stop using “misleading and disproportionate” language on terrorism, which “allows terrorists to assume the dignity of being… Read more »