Crime Levels

Answer NRW’s call for evidence on wild bird licensing says BASC
Improvements to livestock worrying legislation welcome news for gamekeepers, says BASC

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has welcomed the announcement that enclosed gamebirds are to be included within enhanced livestock worrying legislation in England and Wales. Listing enclosed gamebirds and increasing police powers for dealing with incidents of livestock worrying are just two parts of a wider Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill introduced… Read more »

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Lord Goldsmith said intercept evidence could be "key" in securing convictions
Goldsmith favours wiretap evidence

Intercept evidence should be admissible in court for people suspected of terrorism, the attorney general has argued. There is currently a ban on using evidence from phone taps, but this could be lifted in the wake of comments from Lord Goldsmith, who said information gained in this way should be used in terrorism and organised… Read more »

John Reid's speech in East London was disturbed by hecklers
Heckler disrupts Reid’s speech

A protestor has disrupted John Reid’s speech on rooting out extremism, saying he should be “shamed” by the actions of the police towards Muslim people. The home secretary was speaking in Leytonstone in London’s East End when the man condemned the British government as “enemies of Muslims”. The heckler, Abu Izzadeen, is reportedly a former… Read more »