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MDU appoints new commercial director as digital services grow

The Medical Defence Union (MDU), a mutual membership body offering indemnity and medico-legal support to doctors and dental professionals, has appointed Andrew Archibald to the role of commercial director. Andrew and team are responsible for leading the development and growth of the MDU’s products and services to 200,000 doctor and dentist members. Having worked in… Read more »

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Joint parliamentary committee says wiretap evidence should be used in court
Wiretap evidence ‘should be allowed in court’

The ban on the use of wiretap evidence in court should be scrapped to allow prosecutors a better chance of convicting suspected terrorists, a parliamentary committee has said. Peers and MPs on the joint committee on human rights also propose that police be able to interview suspects once they have already been charged, even if… Read more »

Home Office teams up with industry for new clampdown on mobile phone theft
Stolen mobiles to be blocked within 48 hours

Mobiles phones will be blocked within 48 hours of being reported stolen under a new agreement between industry and the Home Office. Britain’s five mobile networks have all signed up to a new charter promising to step up their efforts to make stolen phones unusable, and therefore less attractive to thieves. There was a sharp… Read more »