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Curriculum Bill passes stage one in Senedd

A Bill that will make religious education in Wales fully inclusive of humanism has passed the first stage before becoming law. Wales Humanists – which has long campaigned for this change – has strongly welcomed the news, saying the Bill will make Wales ‘a world-leader in inclusive education’. Following a debate, Senedd members today voted… Read more »

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Austria’s top court decriminalises assisted dying

Helping ‘seriously ill’ people to end their lives will no longer be a criminal offence in Austria, following a judgment from the country’s top court. Humanists UK, which campaigns for legal assisted dying across the UK, has welcomed the move as a victory for reason, compassion, and empathy. News of the decision comes just weeks after… Read more »

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MI5 has been cleared of withholding evidence in the London bombings inquiry
MI5 cleared of withholding 7/7 evidence

The security services have today been cleared of withholding evidence from an investigation into the London bombings. The intelligence and security committee, which carried out the inquiry, said it was satisfied allegations that MI5 kept material from it “are not true”. It comes as the committee publishes its annual report for 2005 -2006. The report,… Read more »

The high court has branded control orders 'unlawful'
Control orders branded ‘unlawful’

The use of control orders by the government has been branded “unlawful” by the high court. Mr Justice Sullivan ruled that control orders against six men broke European human rights law. Control orders are a key feature of the government’s anti-terror legislation. They can be imposed by the home secretary to restrict an individual’s movement… Read more »