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Government to take firmer stance on religious ‘conversion therapy’

Mike Freer, the Minister for Equalities, has confirmed that the Government’s proposed ban on so-called ‘conversion therapy’ will cover both practices that take place in religious settings and those that are carried out by ministers of religion. LGBT Humanists has previously called on the Government to close loopholes in its proposals on religious conversion therapy. Today it has welcomed… Read more »

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Home Office deflates restrictive firearms bill

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) is fully supportive of the Home Office’s response to a private member’s bill wishing to restrict the use of firearms. Luke Pollard, MP for Plymouth, Sutton and Devonport, is introducing a bill that aims to ban the keeping of pump-action shotguns in homes. The bill wishes to tackle the horrific… Read more »

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Diplomatic attempts to end the war may be at risk from the cuts
Counter-terror cuts prompt fierce backlash

By Alex Stevenson and Ian Dunt. The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have demanded the government explains why counter-terrorism resources for Pakistan are being cut. Foreign Office minister Glenys Kinnock admitted to the Lords yesterday that a “vigorous efficiencies programme” had not failed to prevent “staff redundancies, cuts to travel and training, and reduced programme funding… Read more »

Cameron appalled by Doncaster violence in torture incident
Cameron concern over Doncaster torture ‘cover-up’ risk

By staff David Cameron has attacked the government’s failure to address violence in Doncaster before two boys were tortured and sexually abused last year. The Conservative leader used four of his six questions in prime minister’s questions time to press Gordon Brown on whether the current processes supposed to prevent similar instances happening again… Read more »