Employment Rights

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MDU welcomes step forward for openness and learning in NHS

After a successful campaign to improve the safe space provisions in the Health and Care Bill, the Medical Defence Union (MDU) explains why this is a step forward for patient safety. Following its return from the House of Lords to the House of Commons this week, both chambers have now agreed that coroners should not routinely… Read more »

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MDU offers free membership for doctors fleeing war in the Ukraine

The Medical Defence Union (MDU), the UK’s leading medical defence organisation, announced today it will be offering to waive the first year of membership subscriptions for doctors who are fleeing the Ukraine or other conflict zones and are looking to resume practice in NHS roles. This follows news that the GMC is planning to fast track… Read more »

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Hain sorry after 300,000 revision
Govt apologises for foreign worker miscount

The government has apologised after it emerged the number of immigrants working in the UK is 300,000 more than first thought. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) now states 1.1 million foreign nationals have been employed in the UK since 1997, not the 800,000 figure previously stated by ministers. Work and pensions secretary Peter… Read more »

Hutton vows to crack down on exploitation

Unions were today urged to work with the government in protecting vulnerable workers. Business secretary John Hutton announced new measures to detect and guard against exploitation of the most vulnerable workers. Employers caught underpaying workers will now risk unlimited fines, while the number of inspectors is set to double to ensure more employers are caught…. Read more »