Employment Rights

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Welsh conservation efforts set back by NRW red tape

BASC has described a decision by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) to restrict the ability of conservationists and wildlife managers to control magpies, jays and jackdaws as a retrograde blow for conservation. From July 1, those who wish to control magpies, jays and jackdaws to protect species of conservation concern must now apply for a specific… Read more »

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New firearms licensing database can “significantly improve the service”, says BASC

The announcement that the Home Office has begun tendering for a system to replace England and Wales’ firearms licensing database has been received enthusiastically by the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). First reported in The Register, the pre-procurement notice will start the process of replacing the National Firearms Licence… Read more »

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Hundreds falsely accused of crime
Hundreds falsely accused of crime

Nearly 1,500 people have been falsely accused of being criminals by the criminal records bureau (CRB), it has emerged. The mistakes by the Home Office resulted in many people being turned down for jobs or places at university because of the errors. The government said the mistakes were regrettable but said it made “no apology… Read more »

Unions ‘stuck in the past’

The militancy that governs the words and actions of trade union leaders threatens to make the organisations “irrelevant”, a former TUC economics chief warns today. In a new pamphlet from the Fabian Society, David Coats warns that unions are “stuck in the past, fighting battles in a class war that is of little relevance to… Read more »