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Sleep deprived doctors concerned about patient safety

Over a third of doctors say they feel sleep deprived on at least a weekly basis and over a quarter have been in a position where tiredness has impacted their ability to treat patients, a new survey by the Medical Defence Union (MDU) has found. The UK’s leading medical defence organisation carried out the survey… Read more »

BASC launches second newspaper campaign
Has your wild game hero been shortlisted?

Following over 250 businesses being nominated, the Eat Game Awards’ shortlist has been published ahead of a public vote to reveal this year’s wild game heroes. In its fourth year, the Eat Game Awards seek to celebrate and reward those who are championing wild game, and going the extra mile to promote and utilise the produce. Categories… Read more »

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Brown wants to scrap DTI
Brown buys off Miliband with green ministry

Gordon Brown would establish a green ‘super-ministry’ if appointed prime minister, in a move that would reduce Whitehall bureaucracy and combine energy and the environment. According to reports, Mr Brown would disband the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and hive off responsibility for oil and gas to a new environment super-ministry, most likely headed… Read more »

Kelly wants more turbines on houses
Kelly moves to free wind turbines from red tape

The government plans to make it easier for homeowners to install their own ‘green’ sources of energy, previewing plans today to cut ‘red tape’ on devices such as turbines and solar panels. Communities secretary Ruth Kelly wants to allow homeowners to install microgeneration devices without planning permission. As long as there will be little or… Read more »