* general election 2010

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BASC outlines key demands in licensing fees review

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) will not accept “rewarding failure” in the upcoming review of firearms licensing fees in England, Scotland and Wales. The review has been launched by the Home Office. A Fees Working Group, which includes representatives from BASC and the British Shooting Sports Council, has been set up. Its… Read more »

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Clegg will open talks for a coalition without preconditions
PR not a precondition for Clegg

By Sam Dale Nick Clegg has said electoral reform is not a “precondition” for entering into a coalition. He made the comments after a leaked document to the Sun newspaper revealed Lib Dem demands in a hung parliament include electoral reform and six cabinet positions. In an interview with GMTV, Mr Clegg responded: “I have… Read more »

Tories funds for second election
Tories raise money for second election

By Sabine Klensch The Conservative party has started to raise funds for a second general election despite a new poll showing a Tory lead, it has emerged today. Tory donors have been asked to provide funds for a new election battle to be waged within 12 months, according to the Daily Mail. Despite the party’s… Read more »