* general election 2010

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GMC guidance on fatigued doctors welcomed by MDU

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) welcomes updated COVID-19 guidance for GMC fitness to practise decision makers. The guidance advises them to take account of ‘sustained and extreme periods of fatigue’ among doctors. Dr Caroline Fryar, MDU head of advisory services said: “Yesterday, an MDU survey of over 500 members revealed that one in four doctors admitted being… Read more »

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*Comment & Analysis
Comment: The most tedious debate leaves Clegg still winning
Comment: The most tedious debate leaves Clegg still winning

The debates have become increasingly tedious, which is to Clegg’s advantage. Voters will just remember the first one. By Ian Dunt The Brown brand is irretrievably damaged. I doubt yesterday’s ridiculous media frenzy has done any damage because there was nothing left to damage. As it happens, I though Brown performed on the upper levels… Read more »

Cure The NHS wants to help similar groups across Britain
Stafford NHS campaigners go national

By Alex Stevenson A small group of campaigners who have sought change at Stafford hospital are launching a bid to help others set up similar pressure groups. Cure The NHS was founded two years ago after the first revelations about poor standards at Mid-Staffordshire primary care trust emerged. Its founder, Julie Bailey, and a group… Read more »