* general election 2010

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Jersey Assembly votes for humane right to die law

Jersey’s States Assembly today approved a proposal to change the law on assisted dying for adult islanders with terminal or incurable conditions, who have a clear and settled wish to end their lives. Channel Islands Humanists, part of Humanists UK, which campaigns for a right to die for those with terminal or incurable illnesses, praised the debate… Read more »

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Lights, camera, election!

You can learn a lot from politicians by asking them what their favourite political movie is. We certainly did. Here’s a few of the more revealing answers. By Alex Stevenson In The Loop “I really liked In The Loop when I saw it recently – it was hilarious, incredibly cynical, but still funny. It was… Read more »

Production team at Sky News prepares for tonight's debate
Leaders’ foreign affairs TV debate: As-it-happens

Welcome to politics.co.uk’s as-it-happens page. Here you can keep up to date with major parliamentary debates, press conferences or news events in real time. Just hit refresh on your browser to see the latest development. After last week’s historic first leaders’ debate, people might have thought the build-up to the second might have been a… Read more »