* general election 2010

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Family to challenge law requiring Christian RE and worship in NI schools

The High Court will consider a challenge to the laws requiring faith-based Christian religious education (RE) and collective worship in schools in Northern Ireland today. A non-religious family is mounting the legal challenge arguing the exclusively Christian nature of RE and worship violates their human rights. The case is being supported by Northern Ireland Humanists…. Read more »

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New firearms licence condition welcomed by BASC Northern Ireland

Improvement to firearms licence condition welcomed by BASC Northern Ireland The UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), has welcomed the introduction of a firearms certificate condition that will allow the licence holder to shoot any lawful quarry on land where they have the authority to shoot. The condition known… Read more »

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Which political leader would you rather have a curry with?
Asians prefer Brown for curry night

By politics.co.uk staff Asian voters would most like to invite Gordon Brown to their home to enjoy a curry, a survey has suggested. Research by pollsters ICM for the BBC’s Asian Network found 35% would prefer the prime minister to visit for a biriyani, compared to 28% preferring David Cameron and just eight per cent… Read more »