* general election 2010

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MDU calls for government action on violence against healthcare workers

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) is calling on the government to take concerted action to prevent and reduce violence against healthcare staff. In an article published in the MDU journal, which examines cases reported by members, the UK’s leading medical defence organisation found that only a handful of doctors and other healthcare professionals seek advice each… Read more »

New Finance Bill means 20 new taxes since 2000

The new Finance Bill published today introduces two new taxes, taking the total number of taxes introduced this century to 20. Apart from two one-off levies, none of these or any other taxes have been abolished over this period. The two new taxes in the new Finance Bill are: A Residential Property Developer Tax (RPDT)… Read more »

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*Comment & Analysis
Comment: The Lib Dems can’t work with Cameron

No matter what he says, Nick Clegg’s relationship with David Cameron would fall apart within months of a hung parliament By Matthew West In the past week Lord Adonis has appeared to take a certain amount of pleasure in winding up the Liberal Democrats. Last week, in the Independent he encouraged Lib Dem voters in… Read more »

Lord Adonis has repeated his call for a Lib-Lab pact
Adonis calls for Lib Lab pact…again

By Matthew West Andrew Adonis, the transport secretary, has once again called for Lib-Lab pact in an article for a national newspaper. The transport secretary said the launch of the Lib Dem manifesto shows there is no way in which the Lib Dems could ever form a coalition government with the Conservatives. In an article… Read more »