* general election 2010

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Bold new vision places communities at the heart of deer management obligations

A new vision that will place communities at the centre of efforts to manage deer on publicly owned land in Scotland will be unveiled today (24 September) by a partnership of eleven leading deer management stakeholders. The partnership aims to institutionalise what is being described as ‘community integrated deer management’ by establishing more opportunities for… Read more »

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BASC raises opposition to Welsh Government ban on snares

BASC is calling on the Welsh Government to present the evidence that supports their proposal to ban the use of snares. The call to legislate against snares has been included in a raft of proposals by the Welsh Government in their official response to the Agriculture (Wales) White Paper. This BASC Wales director Steve Griffiths,… Read more »

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Hung parliament seems more likely as polls report narrowing of Tory lead
Latest polls show Tory lead slipping

By politics.co.uk staff Two polls have confirmed the recent trend towards narrowing polling results, increasing the likelihood of a hung parliament. According to an Opinium survey carried out for the Daily Express newspaper the Conservatives have a seven-point advantage – enough to make them the largest party but falling short of an overall majority. The… Read more »

Campaign van outside parliament
Don’t forget us: Women want MPs’ attention

By Alex Stevenson Women voters sought politicians’ attention in Westminster this afternoon as they campaigned to ensure they are treated to more than a ‘charm offensive’ at the coming election. A campaign van toured parliament to raise the profile of What About Women?, which the Fawcett Society claims is the biggest ever coalition for women’s… Read more »