Human Rights

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BASC stands up for pest control against legal challenge

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) will once more stand up for lawful pest control activities as anti-shooting group, Wild Justice, launch new legal attack. According to Wild Justice they are seeking legal action against the general licence to prevent serious damage to livestock, foodstuffs for livestock, crops, vegetables, fruit, fisheries or inland… Read more »

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BASC welcomes review of habitat management course

The announcement that the new T Level responsible for educating future gamekeepers and land managers has been paused to reassess its specialist course structure has been warmly welcomed by the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). The new course, Habitat management (land and water), has been earmarked to replace the current land & wildlife… Read more »

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Scientists have successfuly replicated a DNA sample
Govt on the back foot as scientists replicate DNA

By Ian Dunt The way Britain undertakes crime scene investigations and the existence of the DNA database have both come under intense scrutiny following the news scientists in Israel have successfully replicated DNA samples. Tests by Dan Frumkin, lead author of the paper, which was been published online by the journal Forensic Science International, and… Read more »

The prime minister was accused today of rushing through the ratification of a treaty to protect oil interests in Libya.
Brown accused by Lockerbie relatives over Tripoli ‘deal’

By Liz Stephens The prime minister was accused today of rushing through the ratification of a treaty to protect oil interests in Libya which allegedly involves a ‘deal’ to repatriate the Lockerbie bomber. MPs and peers on the joint human rights committee claim they were denied the opportunity to properly scrutinise the treaty with Tripoli…. Read more »