Human Rights

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Step forward for safe spaces welcomed by MDU

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) has welcomed a vote in the House of Lords to strengthen the ‘safe-space’ provisions under which healthcare professionals can take part in investigations that take place following a patient safety incident. Dr Matthew Lee, MDU chief executive said: “The need to move away from a culture of blame, to one… Read more »

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MDU initiative sees foundation doctor members raise over £30,000 for the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund and the Doctors’ Support Network

Foundation Year 1 members (FY1) of the Medical Defence Union (MDU) have raised over £30,000 which will be divided between the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund and the Doctors’ Support Network, two charities which provide health, wellbeing and financial support to doctors and medical students across the UK. The MDU reduced the first-year subscription from £10 to £5 for… Read more »

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Protestors mingling outside the eviction zone this morning
Parliament Square protestors evicted

By Ian Dunt The permanent demonstration outside parliament has been removed by bailiffs in a four-hour operation in the dead of night. It took around 60 bailiffs to clear Parliament Square, starting at around 01:00 BST. But protestors are lingering around the eight-foot green fence erected around the square and vowed to go on demonstrating… Read more »

*Comment & Analysis
Comment: Boris disgraces himself with protest evictions

The London Mayor is developing a reputation for authoritarianism and inaction. The Parliament Square eviction is his most disgraceful move so far. By Ian Dunt Quick. Think of something Boris Johnson has achieved as London Mayor. Strange, isn’t it? Nothing comes to mind. Under the pressure of my own challenge, I have emerged with three… Read more »