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‘Red-herring’ firearms survey still requires responses, says BASC

BASC is asking members and the wider shooting community to respond to a firearms licensing survey, despite describing it as a ‘red-herring’. The survey, coordinated by the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) on the back of the Plymouth shooting incident, is seeking views on firearms licensing in England and Wales. Questions within the… Read more »

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BASC raises key issues for shooting at Labour conference

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) urged the Labour Party to listen to rural voters at a reception at the party’s annual conference in Brighton this weekend. Addressing shadow Environment Secretary Daniel Zeichner MP, BASC said those who live and work in Britain’s countryside should be listened to on issues such as the… Read more »

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Under pressure: Vince Cable showing warning signs
Cable frustrated by ‘damaging’ immigration cap

By Alex Stevenson Business secretary Vince Cable has sparked speculation he could quit the government after attacking the coalition’s immigration cap policy. The senior Liberal Democrat called the cap on non-EU workers “very damaging to the UK economy” in a video interview with the Financial Times newspaper. He was reported by the Mail as telling… Read more »

Damian Green had previously cast doubt over the government's intention to end child detention
Govt accused of climb down over child detention

by Peter Wozniak The Home Office is backtracking over comments made on Monday in the House of Commons by the immigration minister Damian Green which put the government’s commitment to end child detention in doubt. During Home Office oral questions, the minister said it was the government’s intention to “minimise the detention of children in… Read more »