* labour leadership

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BASC stands up for pest control against legal challenge

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) will once more stand up for lawful pest control activities as anti-shooting group, Wild Justice, launch new legal attack. According to Wild Justice they are seeking legal action against the general licence to prevent serious damage to livestock, foodstuffs for livestock, crops, vegetables, fruit, fisheries or inland… Read more »

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BASC welcomes review of habitat management course

The announcement that the new T Level responsible for educating future gamekeepers and land managers has been paused to reassess its specialist course structure has been warmly welcomed by the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). The new course, Habitat management (land and water), has been earmarked to replace the current land & wildlife… Read more »

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Ed Balls is trying to reinvigorate his campaign in the dying stages of the leadership election
Balls: Brown buckled to right-wing press

by Peter Wozniak In a last-minute bid to rescue his campaign for the Labour leadership, Ed Balls has disowned the legacy of Gordon Brown. In an interview with the Today programme, the candidate, seen as closest to Mr Brown prior to the election campaign, argued that the former prime minister was obsessed with pandering to… Read more »

Cameron and Harman seemed genuinely warm towards each other during their last PMQs session
Cameron bids farewell to Harman

By Ian Dunt David Cameron and Harriet Harman have enjoyed a friendly and good-tempered end to their time exchanging insults at the Commons despatch boxes. It was Ms Harman’s final PMQs before the new Labour leader is unveiled at the start of the party conference in Manchester later this month. Ms Harman went beyond common… Read more »