Labour Party

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Project Penelope takes flight in the UK

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has begun work on the UK-leg of a leading international project aiming to track the Eurasian wigeon. Titled Project Penelope, after the wigeon’s Latin name Mareca penelope, the study will follow the species’ flyway with field work carried out across the UK, Denmark and Finland. BASC, in partnership with… Read more »

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Environment Secretary highlights shooting’s conservation benefits

Environment Secretary George Eustice MP praised the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) for its role in protecting the British countryside during the Conservative Conference in Manchester.   Speaking at a rural reception hosted by BASC and the Angling Trust, Mr Eustice highlighted the conservation that takes place as a direct result of shooting…. Read more »

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*Comment & Analysis
Comment: Leadership race shows Labour has run out of ideas

Diane Abbott’s lack of support shows how tired and conservative the Labour party has become. By Ian Dunt The labour leadership contest really is turning into a damp squib. After 13 years in office – the last five years of which it spent resembled an aching old man unsure of how he got into his… Read more »

McDonnell secured an extension on the nomination process after complaints it discriminated against 'outsider' candidates
Labour leadership: McDonnell secures support

By staff John McDonnell has secured his first backers in his bid to become Labour leader. Candidates need to get the backing of 33 MPs before June 9th to enter the race. Mr McDonnell, a habitual rebel on the left of the party, is being backed by Frank Field, Kate Hoey and Dai Havard…. Read more »