Labour Party

BFAWU to recall Conference

Today the Labour Party has made a clear statement of intent in its aspiration to repair its relationship with the bosses but seems to be determined to widen the divide between the representatives of labour and those our movement represent. The recent decision to proscribe organisations is seen as a divisive and a purely factional… Read more »

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Double royal recognition for MDU’s employee training programmes

The excellence of the Medical Defence Union’s training for its membership and medico-legal team has been recognised by HRH the Princess Royal. City and Guilds group has awarded the Medical Defence Union (MDU) with two Princess Royal Training awards. The awards were made for the MDU’s membership development and medico-legal assistant training programmes. The not for profit,… Read more »

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Purnell's move surprised Westminster today
James Purnell steps down

By Ian Dunt James Purnell will stand down from parliament at the next election, in a surprising move confirmed by his constituency office this morning. The departure of such a young and influential MP will cause consternation among Labour ranks, leaving the impression the party’s brightest young minds are now also fleeing before a period… Read more »

Brown: When the tough questions are asked, the truth is revealed.
Brown: Scratch the surface and they’re still right-wing

By Ian Dunt Gordon Brown has used a speech attended by the leaders of European countries to make a thinly veiled attack on the Conservatives. Counterpoising left wing governments with the right, Mr Brown said: “All over the world, the new tactic of the right is to present themselves as moderate and mainstream. “But when… Read more »