Labour Party

Answer NRW’s call for evidence on wild bird licensing says BASC
Improvements to livestock worrying legislation welcome news for gamekeepers, says BASC

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has welcomed the announcement that enclosed gamebirds are to be included within enhanced livestock worrying legislation in England and Wales. Listing enclosed gamebirds and increasing police powers for dealing with incidents of livestock worrying are just two parts of a wider Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill introduced… Read more »

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Police will be negotiating protest arrangements with activists
Mass protests to hit Labour conference

By staff Mass protests are being planned for the Labour party conference in Brighton next month, with trade unionists, student groups and anti-war activists joining forces in Brighton.   A Group called Right to Work are organising transport from London to Brighton, to join pre-existing protests outside the conference centre.   The group’s website… Read more »

Lord Mandelson: No chance of becoming PM
Mandy officially rules out leadership bid

By Ian Dunt Lord Mandelson has officially ruled out standing for the Labour leadership after weeks of rumours threatened to reach fever pitch. “I have no prospect and no plans of standing as leader of the Labour party,” he said. “I am a member of the House of Lords. There is no opportunity for me… Read more »