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The home secretary has pledged to "rebalance" the criminal justice system
Clamp down on criminals freed on technicalities

Laws to stop judges being able to free criminals on technicalities will be unveiled by the government today. The changes, which will close ‘legal loopholes’ allowing suspects to be freed, come as part of the home secretary’s drive to “rebalance criminal justice in favour of victims”. Examples of these ‘loopholes’ include police failing to read… Read more »

Harriet Harman announces that members of the public are to scrutinise the coroner reform bill
Public to scrutinise coroner reform plans

New legislation to modernise the coroner system is to be scrutinised by members of the public with direct experience of inquests, it has been announced. In the first consultation of its kind, eight women and four men will have a chance to go through the draft coroner reform bill line by line and have their… Read more »