liberal democrats

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Plans to limit legal fees in dental claims a welcome first step says DDU

Plans to limit legal fees in dental claims a welcome first step says DDU Responding to the publication of a government consultation on limiting claimant’s legal fees for cases valued up to £25,000, John Makin, head of the DDU, said: “This consultation has been a long time coming and is a welcome first step. However, for a… Read more »

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MDU appoints new head of Scottish affairs to champion member interests

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) has appointed Mr Jerard Ross as head of Scottish affairs to champion the interests of the MDU’s growing number of members in Scotland. Over the last four years Scottish membership has grown almost 30%, according to the MDU, the UK’s leading medical defence organisation. Jerard, who has worked at the… Read more »

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Things look black - 'Cleggmania' must seem a very long time ago
Lib Dem poll misery deepens

By Peter Wozniak One of the first polls conducted since the spending review sees the Liberal Democrats suffering their lowest ever rating by pollsters YouGov. The Tories, meanwhile, seemed to escape with relatively minimal damage leading Labour by 41% to 40%. In reality, all the changes, including for the Lib Dems, are within the margin… Read more »

The video interspersed a video of Nick Clegg with his later quotes on tuition fees
Lib Dem website hijacked

By staff A website registered with Liberal Democrat headquarters was redirected to a video mocking Nick Clegg for breaking his promise on tuition fees today. The website redirected users to a YouTube video interspersing Mr Clegg’s comments opposing a rise in tuition fees with his statements since entering government. The website has now… Read more »