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Sleep deprived doctors concerned about patient safety

Over a third of doctors say they feel sleep deprived on at least a weekly basis and over a quarter have been in a position where tiredness has impacted their ability to treat patients, a new survey by the Medical Defence Union (MDU) has found. The UK’s leading medical defence organisation carried out the survey… Read more »

BASC launches second newspaper campaign
Has your wild game hero been shortlisted?

Following over 250 businesses being nominated, the Eat Game Awards’ shortlist has been published ahead of a public vote to reveal this year’s wild game heroes. In its fourth year, the Eat Game Awards seek to celebrate and reward those who are championing wild game, and going the extra mile to promote and utilise the produce. Categories… Read more »

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Clegg: We'll stick to our plan
Clegg defends the coalition’s first 100 days

By staff Nick Clegg has offered a defence of the coalition government’s first 100 days in power, as he starts an important week in government. The deputy prime minister will be effectively running the country this week, as David Cameron retreats to his Chequers address and then on holiday in Cornwall. Mr Clegg will… Read more »

A few campaign trail words of advice from Kennedy (r) to Clegg
Charles Kennedy splits from wife

By staff Former Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy and his wife Sarah are to split, lawyers for the couple have confirmed. A statement confirmed the end of their eight-year marriage was taking place without animosity. “It is with great sadness that we have decided that we will be separating,” the couple said. “In doing… Read more »