liberal democrats

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Humanists UK comment on peers backing Assisted Dying Bill

Plans to allow doctors to help terminally ill adults end their lives moved closer to becoming law today, after a new Assisted Dying Bill passed its second reading in the House of Lords. Humanists UK, which campaigns to legalise assisted dying for both the terminally ill and incurably suffering, has praised today’s debate for its… Read more »

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Rally planned as Parliament to debate compassionate assisted dying law

On 22 October, for the first time in years, the UK Parliament will debate legislation to legalise assisted dying for the terminally ill. Humanists UK, which campaigns for a right to die for those with terminal or incurable illnesses, fully supports the Assisted Dying Bill as a landmark step towards much-needed reform. It will be… Read more »

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Sir Menzies Campbell faces pressure from his party this week
Leadership cloud hangs over Lib Dem conference

Question-marks over Sir Menzies Campbell’s leadership of the Liberal Democrats are threatening to dominate the party’s conference in Brighton. Its annual autumn conference gets underway today but Sir Menzies, whose tenure has seen the Liberal Democrats slip in the opinion polls to the mid-teens, has had to restate his desire to remain at the top… Read more »

Lib Dems call for referendum on EU
Campbell: Referendum must be on Europe as a whole

Campbell has called for an honest debate on Europe, including a full public vote on the UK’s place in the European Union. The Lib Dem leader previously refused to back calls for a referendum on the EU treaty, arguing it was not necessary as the document appeared to differ sufficiently from the failed EU constitution…. Read more »