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BASC outlines key demands in licensing fees review

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) will not accept “rewarding failure” in the upcoming review of firearms licensing fees in England, Scotland and Wales. The review has been launched by the Home Office. A Fees Working Group, which includes representatives from BASC and the British Shooting Sports Council, has been set up. Its… Read more »

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London mayor latest poll: Boris on 12-pt lead
Johnson gains 12-point lead

Boris Johnson has seized a 12-point lead over Ken Livingstone in the race for London mayor. The Conservative candidate is poised to oust the sitting mayor after extending his lead over the past month, according to the latest YouGov poll for the Evening Standard. Mr Johnson is polling 49 per cent of first preferences compared… Read more »

Candidates "squabbling" over transport
Livingstone launches London transport plan

Ken Livingstone has set out his vision for London’s transport if elected for a third-term as London mayor. Mr Livingstone has promised a greener and more personalised service, complete with a new fleet of environmentally friendly buses, modernised Tube system and the long-promised Crossrail. Launching his transport manifesto in east London, Mr Livingstone said transport… Read more »